Product Description

This is a collection of Bing Ads marketing tools and templates. Everyone has heard of Google Ads, but did you know that Bing has their own ad network as well?

It’s called the Microsoft Search Network, and it racks up 7.3 billion searches each month. Users can be targeted not only on Bing, but on Yahoo and AOL as well (all part of the same network).

Officially the ad network is called the Microsoft Search Network and the platform is called Microsoft Advertising, but for the sake of this guide, we’ll be using the term Bing Ads, because that’s what most people know them as.

Just like with Google Ads, Bing Ads allow advertisers to create ads and bid on keywords. Ads can appear in several different places, such as the “Ads” section of search results pages.

Whether you are trying to get people to sign up for more info, request a service, purchase goods, visit your website, or download your app, you can accomplish all these goals through Bing Ads marketing.